An exciting day with fun activities related to Posti and their services.

During the Spring Semester at Aalto University, for the Course CS-E5200 - Design Project (), we were tasked to ideate a new concept for Posti (), the largest delivery company in Finland. The purpose of the concept was to improve Posti's public image and infuse new trust in the brand. For this reason, the project heavily relied on user-centered desing techniques. At the end of the course, we presented Posti Day, our concept, to Posti employees during a final gala.

My Roles

Ensuring goals are met and tasks are completed each Sprint.
Creating visualization for one of the ideas (return label).
Realizing a pilot event for Posti Day.
Recording and editing the video of the pilot event to use as final prototype.
Pitching at the final gala, to present the concept to Posti.


The task was to create a new service/product for Posti; the concept had to be feasible from a technological and economical point of view. Indeed, along with a concrete concept, we also had to show its business potential. We also had to take into account already existing services and products provided by Posti and integrate our concept in their ecosystem; it had to respect the company's values and image, and tackle specific problems in specific areas.


The whole project followed the Agile framework; it was divided into 6 sprints, each of them about 2 weeks long. Each sprint had a different focus; the first sprints were focused around discovering the current issues that Posti was facing, and proposing new ideas. The sprints in the middle (#3 and #4) were focused on developing the most promising ideas from different perspectives; we took into account Posti's users, Posti's needs and the feasibility of each proposed solution. The final sprints were instead dedicated in refining the final concept to present it to the company.

Mindmap of Posti services

A mindmap of some of the Posti's services, advertised on its website that we realized during the initial Sprint (Sprint #1); the purpose of the map is to collect in a single view all the services that were easily discoverable by the users.

In this way, it was easier to have an overview of everything that was being offered, and we could start to brainstorm around the core services (in the center of the map) and the support services.


During the whole project we used user-centered design and ideation techniques.

User-centered techniques:
  • User Research
  • Open-ended and Closed-ended questionnaires
  • Semi-structured interviews
  • User shadowing
Ideation techniques:
  • Mindmaps
  • The 6 Thinking Hats
  • Visualization
  • Prototyping



We decided to visualize our top 3 ideas, by creating sketches and prototypes; in this way, it was easier to interview Posti customers and get additional valuable insights regarding our ideas.

Posti Day


Return labels


At the end of the course, we developed and presented our final concept, Posti Day. It is a day dedicated to Posti, that comprises of activities with the purpose of discovering what Posti has to offer; in addition, it also had the purpose to improve the company image, by directly involving the customers in the Posti ecosystem.
Posti Day was presented by me in the final gala, hosted by Posti at their main offices. These were the slides used in the final pitch, designed by my teammate Laura and me.

Team: Posti Revolution

Our team was composed by 5 members (including me); every member had different areas of expertise, different culture and background.

Posti Revolution Logo
Posti Revolution Team Logo

Team Posti Revolution:

  • Federico - Italian
  • Laura - Finnish
  • Miska - Finnish
  • Thor - Belgian
  • Xinyan - Chinese

Team organization

Each Sprint was divided into tasks, and each team member had to address one of those. We decided to rotate the tasks in such a way that every team member could do a different one in each sprint. In every Sprint, one team member ("The Runner") was in charge to organize team meetings, assign tasks and verify that every deliverables was ready before the deadline.