Hi! I'm Federico Macchi

24, Giulio Cesare Procaccini Street · Varese (VA), 21100, Italy · federico.macchi@mail.polimi.it

I like to get my hands dirty building and testing devices of any sort; I have a team-oriented mentality and love co-operating with others sharing ideas, insights, and knowledge. Iʼve participated in many hackathons and other coding challenges.
I am interested in Software Development/Engineering, but also in UIs, XR, and UX. I am very passionate about space, aerospace, videogames, cooking, and learning new things, especially foreign languages.

I am currently working as an Aerospace Software Engineer and System Integrator Specialist for TXT Group at Leonardo Helicopters (LHD), Training & Simulation Area.

Download my 1-page résumé here.

Self-driving car prototype
Prototype of a self-driving car, built during the Innovathon hackathon.
Team Avanti - AIRTificial Intelligence
My Team "Avanti" (named after the airplane P-180 by Piaggio) at the AIRTificial Intelligence hackathon.
Rotor blade
Me, playing with a tail rotor blade of an AW139 by AgustaWestland.

Working Experience

Aerospace software Engineer // System Integrator Specialist

FULL TIME | TXT GROUP   - Leonardo Helicopters (LHD), Sesto Calende, Italy

As the AW169 Simulators Product Line Owner, I oversee the software development and integration of new features for every AW169 Simulator - often cooperating with other companies such as CAE and Reiser.
I'm also responsible to maintain the codebase and update legacy parts with new, cutting edge, technologies and solve bugs along the way.
I'm directly connected with PMs and PEs to ensure projects success; I frequently speak with clients to verify requirements, limitations and discuss additional requests.

November 2020 - Today

Master Thesis

Thesis Worker | Leonardo Electronics (LED)    - Ronchi dei Legionari (GO), Italy

My Master Thesis analyzed current research on testing framework and presents a new one with the purpose of automating the GUI testing of a product developed by the Leonardo Company.

The framework, which I developed as a proof-of-concept, employed a modern tech stack comprising:

  • Java
  • JUnit
  • Selenium
  • OpenCV
  • Tesseract OCR
  • Jenkins

A paper has been extracted from the Thesis, and presented at the 28th FRUCT Conference  , held in Moscow on 25-29 January, 2021.
FRUCT is a recognized high quality scientific event, with a good rating in national systems like the Finnish (JUFO=1, JufoID: 72707), Norwegian (NSD=1), Danish (BFI=1, ID: 8782540) ones.

May 2020 - October 2020


Aalto University

For some courses of my Master studies I co-operated with:

  • Posti.fi () for the course CS-E5200 - Design Project (); my team ideated and developed Postin Päivä (Posti Day), a marketing event for Posti.
    The teaser trailer of the event that we realized is available also here for download.
    See additional details in my portfolio.
  • Elisa.fi () for the course CS-E5210 - Usability Evaluation (); my team conducted an usability evaluation of the website ElisaViihde () - a streaming platform, focusing on the accessibility of the website for visually impaired users.
    See additional details in my portfolio.

January 2019 - May 2019

Software Engineer

Intern | Monkeycube SRL   - Milan, Italy

Co-developed a cross-platform application (Windows, macOS, Linux) with a colleague, to determine the best positioning of television antennas in order to cover a specific area.


  • Implement additional features.
  • Resolve open issues and bugs.
  • Complete restyle of the User Interface.
  • Code optimizations.
Technologies used:

March 2018 - December 2018

Information Technology Technician

PART-TIME | PSA&CF SRL   - Varese, Italy

I had various tasks inside the company, such as:

  • Planning and realizing formative events targeted at medical doctors, obstetricians and other medical professions
  • PR with event venues, catering providers, travel agencies, hotel, hostess services
  • Congress room technician
  • PCs and software ordinary and extraordinary maintenance
  • Creating graphics for the events, updating the website

2015 - 2017

Full stack developer


I worked alone and in small teams to build or personalize various websites. I used mainly CMS such as Wordpress and Joomla as a starting point, then I manually added functions based on the customers' requests.

Common tasks:

  • Meet with the customer and discuss their whishes and requirements.
  • Develop interactive mock-up using Axure or Adobe XD, define customer target and create personas.
  • Present the prototype together with the estimate of costs and time needed to complete the project.
  • Deliver the project according to the formulated requirements.
Some of the websites I've worked on: * Personalized and improved an existing website.
** Modified by the client and not reflecting the original design anymore.

From 2014 onwards


University of Trento - Italy

Master of Science
M.Sc. Computer Science - HCID (Human-Computer Interaction and Design)  
Minor in Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Graduated on the 21st of October, 2020 with the maximum grade and honors (110/110 cum laude, 4.0 GPA).
September 2019 - October 2020

Aalto University - Finland

Master of Science
M.Sc. Computer Science - HCID (Human-Computer Interaction and Design)  
Minor in Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Graduated on the 23rd of November, 2020 with grade 4.35/5 and honors (3.5 GPA).
September 2018 - November 2020

Politecnico of Milan - Italy

Bachelor of Engineering
Engineering - Engineering of Computer Systems  
Graduated on the 23rd of July, 2018
September 2013 - July 2018

Extracurricular education


Learn Testing for Web Development   
Certificate of completion.
In this course I learnt different strategies for testing the front-end and the back-end of web applications built with Javascript.
March 2020


User Experience Design Essentials - Adobe XD UI/UX Design   
Course credentials.
For this course I created wireframes, a high-fi prototype, and placement materials; additionally, I tested them with users.
See additional details in my portfolio.
April 2020


Programming / Markup Languages & Tools

User-Centered Design Techniques

Additional tools

Soft Skills

Endorsements & Assessments

View my skills endorsements and LinkedIn Assessments on my LinkedIn profile (opens in a new tab).

Extracurricular Activity and side projects

Software Engineer and UI/UX Designer for ClaimR  

Helped ideating, user testing and developing the UI and UX of the Android Mobile application, developed in React Native.

From December 2020

Maintainer/Contributor of HomebrewLib.it  

I contributed to this small open source library, used in the HomebrewLab web application, by adding some unit tests and by refactoring the code; this library contains various utilities to do unit conversions and calculations useful for homebrewing.

February 2018 - March 2020

Maintainer/Contributor of HomebrewLab.it  

Started as a University project, I continued together with the teacher the development of the application as a personal side project; HomebrewLab is a web-app, based on a modern stack (NodeJS + VueJS + Semantic UI) for enthusiast and amateur homebrewers whit the specific aim to help them brew their personal recipe.

April 2017 - March 2020


  • EIT Digital Master Kickoff, 2019 Trento  
  • EIT Digital Day, 2018 Finland  
  • EIT Digital new students' mentor
From 2018


  • AIRTificial Intelligence  (11-12/12/2019): Won the Second Prize and a special mention for the best teamwork. Developed a cross-platform real-time application to execute the "tapping test" on civil and military aircrafts; using a ML algorithm (KNN Classifier), the application could correctly classify a faulty component from a working one by hearing the sound of the "tap" on it. I developed the GUI of the application, consisting in a gauge to display the severity of the damage and the result of the test in real-time, and a 3-state semaphore as a synthetic indicator of the result (green = working component, yellow = waiting for user input, red = faulty component).
    See additional details in my portfolio.

    Technologies: Python for the ML algorithms and the cross-platform application.

    My role: Designed and implemented the application using Kivy (python-based UI framework), performed the live demo of the "tapping test".

  • Innovathon  (16-17/11/2019): Developed with my team a self guiding robot car EITracker - that could follow a path inside a tunnel, indentify people and deploy "medikits" (1 for each person) for them.
    See additional details in my portfolio.

    Technologies: Raspberry PI, sensors and actuators for the hardware, OpenCV (python) for the software.

    My role: Designed the circuits and the chassis of the robot, implemented basic moving commands.

  • StUpid HaCK  (17-18/05/2019): Developed with my team a Tinder clone - called Binder - that matches people using memes and humour.

    Technologies: Firebase + Angular + Bootstrap.

    My role: Designed the UI and coded user-interactions.

From 2019


Language Proficiency Level
Italian Native
English* Professional working proficiency
Spanish Limited working proficiency
Japanese** Elementary proficiency

*TOEIC certification obtained in April 2018 with score 990/990

**JLPT Japanese-Language Proficiency Test - 日本語能力試験 - N4 Level obtained in December 2017

Awards & Certifications